To brave in spanish
To brave in spanish

Translate "brave" to Spanish: guerrero indio, guerrero piel rojaĮnglish Synonyms of "brave": Indian warriorĭefine meaning of "brave": A North American Indian warrior.Translate "brave" to Spanish: desafiar, oponerse abiertamente aĮnglish Synonyms of "brave": challenge, dare, defy, bid defiance to, face, fly in the face of, hurl defiance at, outdareĭefine meaning of "brave": Take exception to.

to brave in spanish

La mariposa que ronda la lámpara hasta que muere es más admirable que el topo que vive en un túnel oscuro. Kahlil Gibran Arrostrar obstáculos y dificultades es más noble que la retirada hacia la tranquilidad. The butterfly that hovers around the lamp until it dies is more admirable than the mole that lives in a dark tunnel. Braving obstacles and hardships is nobler than retreat to tranquility.

to brave in spanish

Oppose, as in hostility or a competition.

to brave in spanish

Present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize.

  • Translate "brave" to Spanish: arrostrar, echar pecho a, enfrentarse a, hacer cara a, hacer frente a, apecharĮnglish Synonyms of "brave": confront, breast, face, be up against, confront with, contend with, meet in full opposition, outbraveĭefine meaning of "brave": Deal with (something unpleasant) head on.

  • To brave in spanish