Translate "brave" to Spanish: guerrero indio, guerrero piel rojaĮnglish Synonyms of "brave": Indian warriorĭefine meaning of "brave": A North American Indian warrior.Translate "brave" to Spanish: desafiar, oponerse abiertamente aĮnglish Synonyms of "brave": challenge, dare, defy, bid defiance to, face, fly in the face of, hurl defiance at, outdareĭefine meaning of "brave": Take exception to.
La mariposa que ronda la lámpara hasta que muere es más admirable que el topo que vive en un túnel oscuro. Kahlil Gibran Arrostrar obstáculos y dificultades es más noble que la retirada hacia la tranquilidad. The butterfly that hovers around the lamp until it dies is more admirable than the mole that lives in a dark tunnel. Braving obstacles and hardships is nobler than retreat to tranquility.
Oppose, as in hostility or a competition.
Present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize.